Tag Archive: inspiration

Motivation for your Morning 25/8/13

Uncertainty scares people. Why? Because most people prefer routine and predictability. They find comfort in certainty. These are not always bad things, in fact, they are necessities to some degree. The problem arises… Continue reading

Motivation for your Morning 24/8/13

How would your life be different if you weren’t afraid? What if you weren’t afraid of failure? What if you weren’t afraid of what other people think? What if you didn’t fear what’s… Continue reading

Motivation for your Morning 23/8/13

The law of inertia states that it is the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion. An object at rest tends to remain at rest. What does inertia look like in our… Continue reading

Motivation for your Morning 22/8/13

What is the only difference here? Action. A positive mindset is essential. Dreaming big is vital. Pursuing your passions is invaluable. But ACTIONS are the catalysts that turn your wants and wishes into… Continue reading

Motivation for your Morning 21/8/13

Your alarm shouldn’t be the only thing that wakes you up in the morning. If it is, you need to take a step back and figure out why. Your passions and purpose in… Continue reading

Motivation for your Morning 20/8/13

Think about it. Change requires a new way of thinking and a new way of operating. How can you operate differently if you are stuck in an old mindset? People become attached to,… Continue reading